
Evenimente (48)

EN: INOE joins the "CLADES NON TIMEO" project conducted by the Environment Department of the Bucharest City Hall for forming skills and behaviors regarding the protection of the environment. Thus, tomorrow, October 15, 2024, our colleagues from the Remote Sensing Department are waiting for you between 10.00-16.00 hours at the…
We are honored to host The XIVth edition of the LAsers in CONservation of Artworks - LACONA, between 09-12 September 2025, in Bucharest. Abstract submissions are now OPEN! Oral and poster presentations are expected on the following TOPICS: Morphological, mechanical, and thermal diagnostics Compositional diagnostics Deterioration phenomena Conservation-restoration technologies &…
EN Eija Juurola (Interim ACTRIS General Director), Paolo Laj (ACTRIS scientific chair) and Niku Kivekas (senior Officer Operations) from the Head Office ACTRIS visited INOE, more precisely MARS - Magurele Centre for Atmosphere and Radiation Studies, during 22-23 of February 2024. The meeting was hosted by Doina Nicolae CARS leader,…
Executivul a aprobat astăzi memorandum-ul ce prevede participarea României în calitate de membru fondator la infrastructura distribuită la nivel european: European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science - E-RIHS ERIC. Hub-ul românesc E-RIHS RO este coordonat de către INOE 2000 și a fost introdus în Roadmap-ul național încă din 2016. Felicitări…
EN: Between 13-17 November 2023, INOE participates in The ESA-JAXA Pre-Launch EarthCARE Science and Validation Workshop hosted by ESA-ESRIN, in Frascati, Italy. The event is part of ESA’s mission: Earth Cloud, Aerosol and Radiation Explorer - EarthCARE. RO: În perioada 13-17 noiembrie 2023, INOE participă la ESA-JAXA Pre-Launch EarthCARE Science…
EN: A milestone moment: CELEBRATING 30 YEARS TOGETHER! The International Conference on Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Sealing Elements, Precision Mechanics, Tools, Specific Electronic Equipment & Mechatronics - HERVEX 2023 We are extremely grateful and heartily acknowledge the kind support from all conference attendees and contributors throughout these years! We look forward to…
EN: OPEN L CERTO is an event where we open our laboratories for school visits to attract students toward science. ​ 7th and 8th of November - we welcome organized groups (appointments and more info: Această adresă de email este protejată contra spambots. Trebuie să activați JavaScript pentru a o vedea., 031.405.63.98)​ 9th of November - PRO BONO services within the Romanian Hub of The…
EN: The Remote Sensing department from INOE 2000 invites you on September 29, 2023 in the Central Square of Măgurele to present Remote Sensing - a non-invasive method by which nature is researched from a distance by means of optoelectronic devices. The department coordinates the Măgurele Center for Atmospheric and…
EN: On Friday, September 29, 2023, at 1:00 p.m., researchers from the Research Institute for Analytical Instrumentation, INOE 2000, are waiting for science and innovation enthusiasts on the set of the Horia Demian Sports Hall, Cluj-Napoca. The workshops, exhibitions, and experiments that will be presented include demonstrations of portable analysis…
EN: The ReCAST department within INOE 2000 is waiting for you at the "Researchers' Night" in Măgurele: representative images and films with plasma technological processes raw materials and samples used in the laboratory to obtain materials in the form of thin layers the stages of the transformation of matter, from…
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